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Re: Big Emotions

@JPEG1998 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are treating yourself with kindness this afternoon hun 💜

Re: Big Emotions

@Jynx ,


Ah, yes. Trying to distract myself with volunteer work now. I did my food shopping before, and I am so glad that I was able to do that. 


Also, I don't want to sound delusional, but what if they didn't completely notice me? My friends say that they probably had a crappy morning, while my counsellor says that I should try and talk to them - but not confront them, of course. I don't know, really. How can there who demeanour change within a week? I just don't get it. 

Re: Big Emotions

It's hard sometimes @JPEG1998 when we don't know what's going on in someone's head! But I reckon your friends are on the right track, we can't make assumptions about what is going on for someone and the best way to find out for sure is to talk to them! 


I'm glad you've got a distraction to keep you occupied, that always helps me!

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @Jynx ,


It's been a week since I last saw them. I want to talk to them in private, so hopefully that will happen soon! When I last spoke to them in private, they seemed very appreciative that I even spoke to them at all (I had been ignoring them because they had been ignoring me).


Also, I have sent an email to SANE. I sent it last year, but still no response. I am hoping to receive one soon!

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @tyme ,


Thank You for your contribution.


I had felt quite upset. I don't know if they felt as though they were being creepy by giving me a really big smile, so they backed off (even though I am very certain that I gave them a big smile back). Or, the may have felt overwhelmed to see me. I really don't know. 

Re: Big Emotions

@JPEG1998 I will keep an eye out, but we haven't gotten any new emails from you - do you have the right email address?

If the address is definitely correct, let me know and I can try emailing you first, and hopefully if you reply to that email it'll come back to us. Might be why you never got a response last time.


Aww sounds like they really wanna see you! Maybe when next you meet, you can have a conversation about it all - just lay all your feelings out on the table! It can be kinda scary to do, but also in my experience it makes everything much easier moving forward. You might both have a bit of social anxiety in your interactions, which can sometimes lead to accidentally misinterpreting the anxiety as disinterest. It's happened to me before! Haha. Once I started naming my social anxiety and being really open about it, things got a lot easier, because most of the people I talk to about it experience the same thing! 

Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998 ,


How are you going? Any progress?


Hope you are okay. Please know that you are doing very well. You are doing your best. 

Re: Big Emotions

@tyme @Jynx 


I have been feeling very emotional over them. So many questions! What if they don't think I'm attractive? What does this mean? What does that mean? What if they're only being polite? Ahhhhh... 

Re: Big Emotions

I know it can be hard not to @JPEG1998 but dwelling on questions like that can end up being really unhelpful. I used to dwell on stuff like that all the time and only ended up being worried over nothing, most of the time. There's no way to know for sure unless you ask! 


When are you next seeing them? 

Re: Big Emotions



You're absolutely right 😊


Maybe I'll say to them that they've got a cute smile?