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Re: rough time

Yeah that was sorted yesterday night but even after that was still in trouble for it and still carried on today for no real reason. My sister  is ok and will more than likely  never see that kid again.  @Former-Member 



Yesterday  arvo i had a pretty horrid cough but it cleared up today until i went to the horses and ive basically not stopped coughing since. Everything is  very tight and wheezing so think it might be worth getting checked out. Iam at the point of not being able to cough anymore or trying to hold it back as it hurts now and makes me feel sick like vomit sick.


I dont have anything to treat it here and with no chemists or drs open and i dont think its quite an ed case so looks like after hrs gp is the best option for now.




Re: rough time

👋 @Former-Member. Nice to see you too ❤ Hope you sleep well.

Hey @outlander. I hope the Dr helps with whatever it is you need them for. I've missed a bit over the last couple of days it seems, but wanted to drop by and send some ❤ It's late and I'm still up even though I woke at 4 something this morning 😏 A few days in a row of those early starts again now. I'm hoping to get that back under control again soon.

Rambling now. While I'm wide awake at the moment, that could easily change, but here until I'm not if you're around.

Big ❤

Re: rough time

Hey @CheerBear  yes it is very late for you to be up. 4 is to early but seemingly im up around that  time too but i can get back to sleep for abit. 

Ia there a reason for late night/early morning wake ups for you? I suspect its a few things just mixing together...  i did read about your new car though. Thats pretty cool and sounds like it gave you lots of good feels.

I havent really been around to much either. Early morning but late finishes in the day plus just not being that great i guess. 


Drs said theyd be here in about an hr or more like half hr now since i called.



Re: rough time

Morning @outlander. I think I had an instant off switch happen as soon as I posted that message! I woke again at silly o'clock today. So annoying.

I think my awakeness and my early start/s are from too much going on. I was really excited aboug the car last night but trying to clean for today's house inspection so I couldn't play with it. We're supposed to be going away today which I wasn't sure we could do if we didn't have a car so now I have to pack (kids and cats) without forgetting anything, and grocery shop as everything is closed tomorrow. I also had/have to try and get documents scanned and uploaded for c-link and am trying to remember to call them today so hopefully it can be sorted before pay next week. I think my brain is too small for all of that at once as it feels like it's exploding!

Wondering how you went with the doctor?

Lots of ❤

Re: rough time

morning @CheerBear @Former-Member @Sans911 @Snowie Heart Heart

@Former-Member i hope you managed to get some sleep, thanks for keeping me company lst night xo

@CheerBear you were up early indeed, i thought i read your msg earlier but i musnt have replied either that i dreamt it.. it sounds like today might be pretty crazy! im glad you have a nice new car though, even if its now caused craziness lol.

can i ask if your going to like a hotel or camping or something?

the dr that came last night said i was having an asthma attack, thankfully it was a milder one that responds well with the puffers and things. she also said though that i could be getting a cold (since i had abit of a cough yesterday) but it was a little hard to tell due to having a high allergy reaction (which is what caused it) and have been told to have an easy day today and if possible try to minimise the allergy triggers and up the anti-histamines

Re: rough time

Good morning lil Sis @outlander 💜 💜

Re: rough time

how are you sis? @Sans911 Heart
Not applicable

Re: rough time

Glad you finally got to see the GP @outlander 

Asthma is a serious ailment and it should never be underestimated as to the damage it can do to our health.

Please take the Drs advice and rest up today.  Do your best to stay away from allergy triggers, although I know its likely to be very difficult to do.  Make sure you keep a puffer handy.


Sherry 💕

Re: rough time

thanks @Former-Member Heart
my regular gp said that it was possible to have allergy induced asthma and although i did take it seriously i hadnt thought more winter months would have that sort of effect. looking back at yesterday though i can see how much dust, dirt, cigarette smoke (not form me) that i had inhaled, hair along with being around more weedy type grass how much that wouldve been impacting. through spring im usually on anti-histamines everyday . ill be more careful now though.
i am resting as much as possible. i not long went and paid the bills though but other than that im just doing a load of washing and hoping to get my last assignment done and hope that it is enough.

how are you? do you have much on? youve been fairly quiet too

Re: rough time

No good having asthma attack last night.  Seems allergies on the rise and that is a lot of exposure. 

Take Care

@outlander Heart

Glad you got good advice.
