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Re: Big Emotions

Hey @JPEG1998 ,


I encourage you not to let this keep you down. You deserve the best. 


Live in the now and allow yourself to experience the now.


Here for you.

Re: Big Emotions

@JPEG1998 it can definitely hurt, but no hurt lasts forever. I'm with tyme - focus on the now, on what you can control, and on what brings you joy. Grieve as needed, then focus on moving forward. You got this 😊

Re: Big Emotions

@JPEG1998  from Max33

The person you like knows by now that you have noticed them. If they want to know you or take it further then they will definitely not ignore you. The healthiest thing  to do is focus on you studies and feel good about who you are. Take a break from obsession about someone else.. Work instead on making your own life better. Get involved  in some activities that you enjoy or haven't tried before that you think look interesting. Let people come to you instead of chasing after them. Obsessing will only make you unhappy. Make yourself happy first. Love yourself more.

Re: Big Emotions

@Jynx @Max33 and @tyme 


@Max33, Thank You very much for contributing to the conversation. I have been undergoing self care by showering, sleeping, taking my medication, and continuing with my volunteering roles.