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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me, here for you anytime my awesome friend HeartHeart you are sooo wonderful toooo me

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Awe...thanks @Shaz51

I didn't tag anyone so I wasn't expecting a reply. You surprised me in the best way my lovely. You're such a wonderful force on these forums Shaz; you should be so proud of yourself. Are you receiving the support you really deserve? I hope so.


I'm not sure about people's journal threads. There isn't actually a section for them so it's difficult to work out which one's fit the bill. I've kept this one alive because it describes a life long affliction with ignoring my needs for others. (opinions, problems, reactions etc)


I haven't had a visit from my family (inlcuding my son) in so long I forget when. I think it was around a year ago. I always visit them. I guess that's one of the reasons my home fell in a heap. What's the point comes to mind.


So your visit means a lot to me ok. Especially since I didn't reach out; you just found me and that's an important aspect of this community.

Thankyou so much;

Keep smiling and I will too. 🙂

Hope xo Heartgiphy.gif




Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

here for you @Hope4me

you can tag me anytime my awesome friend xx

do your family live close to you ??

I have 4 step children who live inbetween  sydney and Darwin , so sometimes it is hard to get in contact with them and their busy lives

Mr shaz would love to live closer but we need to be close enough to look after both our mums

Kepp smiling @Hope4me and remember we are with you and you are not alone xxx

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Thankyou Mrs Awsomeness! @Shaz51

Most of my family live local. Mum lives a few blocks away, son lives across town, two sisters close and one on the coast around 6 hours away.

I'm sorry your family are so far apart. It must make it hard at Xmas and birthdays etc. You and Mr Shaz are wonderful staying for your mums. I hope our kids are as caring when we need that support in years to come.

Have a lovely day...

Hope xo Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I think our kids will @Hope4me

what age are you ?? I am 54

and I remember when I was young , it was all about me having fun xx

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Born in 1959 and 59 years young this month lovely @Shaz51

And yes, I sowed a few wild oats myself! lol

When I was 21 I used to dance on the tables and bar with enough vino. Some might be embarrassed to say that, but I'm proud to have had my fun before settling down with a family.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

hello @Hope4me, how are you today Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I'm actually having a nice day thankyou @Shaz51

Sun's shining and birds chirping make it even better. Been to town for groceries and sitting down with coffee to chill out for a while.

How's your day been?

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

way to go @Hope4me Smiley Very Happy

very hot up here , worked this morning and having the afternoon off which is nice

now having a cuppa with the aircon on
@Zoe7, @soul , @greenpea

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I hope your area's free of fires. It's a worry up North...

Thankyou for tagging @Zoe7 @greenpea and @soul. Hi guys!!!


As for my day; I'm embarrassed to admit I've become quite partial to Microsoft Solitaire. If I continue playing so much, it'll take over my world! Ha!addicted to games.gif

