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Re: Parents

Hi @ArraDreaming @tyme 

A great thread to have.


I am a mum to two teenagers aged 16 and 18, who are both still living at home.

I have CPTSD, anxiety and depression.

My MI was diagnosed when my oldest was about 14.


My favorite part of being a parent is seeing my 2 grow into young independent young people. I not only love them but I like them.


I have tried to shield my MH from them as much as possible, but being how old they are, I have had to answer some difficult questions too. I have tried to be open to them as much as possible, of course within reason. They have had to watch me stop work, my ups and downs, going to hospital on numerous occasions and having a number of ECT rounds. 


As a parent I try and separate my MH from my parenting. I realised early on that if I am having a bad day, I cannot take it out on them. Yes they see me at my worst, but I try and be very consistent with my parenting. 


I am very lucky however. I have a very supportive husband who has been by my side through all of this. I really think that helps too when we are both on the same page when it comes to parenting.


Yet I would never not do it again. I think being a parent has been the best job in the world!

Re: Parents

@ArraDreaming @Bow @tyme 

Saw this and thought it was appropriate.


Re: Parents

@ArraDreaming wrote:
...with older kids it’s also perfectly ok to say “dads just having a break going to the bathroom etc cause he’s a bit frustrated right now”
I have found being really honest especially with the older kid has been important
“i want to listen to what your saying if you give me one minute to focus on what im doing then i can talk” as opposed to letting him yap in my ear for 20 mins, while im trying to focus on something which envitibly leads to me feeling frustrate and overwhelmed

I'm not a parent, but I'm so impressed with your honesty and emotional intelligence @ArraDreaming  👍

Re: Parents

@Snowie ! I love the poem! I want to hug it as it means so much.


Parenthood is tough.. but very rewarding.

Re: Parents

@tyme Came up on my FB thread. Thought it was really appropriate.

Re: Parents

Thanks for sharing your stories @Bow @Snowie

Re: Parents

And thanks for the feedback @NatureLover I needed that today

Re: Parents

I try to be this calm and regulated but it doesn’t always happen @NatureLover