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Re: BabyDragon's Den

No, @Faith-and-Hope I'm not but it's not from a lack of trying 

Re: BabyDragon's Den

💜 @Former-Member .... one day at a time then Hon.  Step by step.   Does it help to journal ?


Is journalling something you can talk to Saphire and Harmony about ?  It might be helpful for your littlest to have that form of expression available too.

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

@Faith-and-Hope Some of them do have journals/diaries and we have a communal diary too so that we can communicate clearly as their voices in my head are not always clear especially when more than one is talking plus I deal with more than just their voices so sometimes they can be drowned out by the other voices and sounds in my head

Sorry if that's confusing 

Re: BabyDragon's Den

No, it's not confusing @Former-Member .  It sounds very sensible.


How are you going today ?

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

Well I woke up as me today so that's something @Faith-and-Hope I have no idea what time I got up yesterday I just remember suddenly being on the lounge half way through we can be heroes movie apparently it was the 3rd time watching according to my partner 

Re: BabyDragon's Den

Yes, one of your alters mentioned they were watching it @Former-Member . If you scroll back through the posts you will find out who it was.


Good that you woke up as yourself.   I imagine that is quite a relief.

Re: BabyDragon's Den

How is today going @Former-Member 

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Re: BabyDragon's Den

It's okay about to start making dinner

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Re: BabyDragon's Den


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Re: BabyDragon's Den

I am Cameron 

I am 8 years old 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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