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Peer Support Worker

Re: Cook Along

Of course @Bow thanks for communicating your needs! 


@Former-Member See Bow's post above 😉

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Re: Cook Along

No worries at all @Jynx  - will remember Bow’s wishes in future posts 💜😊🌺

Re: Cook Along

Good call @Shaz51 @Oaktree @Former-Member @Jynx @Oaktree @Dimity @StuF @tyme 


I’ve been watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Time for a cuppa and a Truckie Scone 



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Re: Cook Along

Thanks @StuF @Jynx @Shaz51 @Glisten 🌺

hope you all enjoyed a cuppa too 😊 

Glisten that movie is captivating isn’t it..! 🎥 🕵️‍♂️

Re: Cook Along

Hello @Shaz51 @Glisten @Former-Member @Jynx time to cook... chicken patties tonight so the cat will share some fresh mince

Re: Cook Along

@Former-Member @Dimity @Shaz51 I’ve got a crush on Gary Oldman atm lol


Re: Cook Along

@Former-Member they look amazing 💖
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Re: Cook Along

Hey there @Dimity 🌺🙂

sounds really nice 😊 

Leftovers here, however there’s mince defrosting for tomorrow… not sure what to make just yet 🤔

hope you have a nice evening 🌺😊

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Re: Cook Along

Don’t blame you! @Glisten 🤭🙌🏻

He looks so different in TTSS movie, when I first watched it, it was very hard to tell it was him, I thought! 

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Re: Cook Along

Thank you @creative_writer 🙂

I put a bit of cocoa and icing sugar mixture together with a few drops of milk and put little dollops of thick icing on top, just to finish them off nicely.