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Re: @g music

Re: Everything music

@StuF  OMG!!! good on you what a concert to see Trent Reznor  and co.....  hehe yes a gentle slap will suffice 😉

Re: Everything music

I'll shut up now @greenpea 😁

Re: Everything music

@StuF 😀x

Re: Everything music

@StuF  One more thing did you ever see Nirvana?

Re: Everything music

My youngest sister saw Tears for Fears in concert. @greenpea 


This was in the ole countree

I like the accent.

Another Rach 

Some great young powerful female pianists around, these days.  Was not such a thing when I was growing up.  Most lady pianists were delicate and gentle.



@Appleblossom  I went to Tears for Fears with my sister in Sydney!! Last concert I went to.

Re: Everything music

No @greenpea !


That would have been Amazing

Re: Everything music

@StuF  yes it would 😀

Re: Everything music

This one of my Favourite Songs

I song this to my boys at least once a week at bed time




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