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Re: Good Morning!



Naughty @TAB 


I was busy seeing bands play at the Shenton Park Hotel. 

Re: Good Morning!

Good evening, night and morning. That was a bigass day, wasn’t it girls and boys?

Congratulations you made it through another week. I hope your FriYay night is being kind to you. G

@PeppyPatti @TAB Tabsta @Former-Member @Adge @PizzaMondo @Shaz51 ShazyBee @Emelia8 @StuF @scruffypuffball @Bill16 

Re: Good Morning!

Was more Vic Park myself @PeppyPatti  lol ..

Re: Good Morning!

Oh.....those Vic Park people were ruffians .......


Re: Good Morning!

Yes...... Another week down. 

Who raising their hands that trump  won't go to jail 


Re: Good Morning!

i used to like going to pubs there w pockets full of money when on break @PeppyPatti @Glisten re Vic Park

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  what did you like the most about going to the pub with pockets of money?




Re: Good Morning!

Yep @PeppyPatti  - another week! I hope you have a good weekend


As for that clown in the USA...I'll be pretty surprised if he serves time

Re: Good Morning!

I was just happy @Glisten 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @PeppyPatti I've been in Perth WA for almost 30 years now.

I grew up in Sydney, NSW - Sydney is way too fast-paced & hectic - I've always loved the Blue Mountains, though.

I lived for one year in Brisbane, Qld - Too humid, sweating all the time (nice Sea breeze though).

Lived for 3 months in Adelaide, SA.

I liked Adelaide, thought the Adelaide Hills were really nice.

Did you grow up here?


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