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Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

Hello @Guiding_Light 

Thank you for sharing, I am now googling self inquiry meditation Heart  

Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

@Anastasia Most specifically the practice described by Ramana Maharshi,
there are others who also speak about this such as Mooji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle and Sadhguru to some extent (well worth listening to, you can find them all on youtube, one or the other will make most sense for you).
I will also be one who will soon go into the world and share this knowledge and awareness as I have explored many corridors of the mind which the previously mentioned masters have not experienced or explored (i.e from the perspective of overcoming mental illness), we all bring our own unique experience and understanding from our journey back home, home is where the heart is literally, it is the home of the "I".

Here is a link to get you started, also look at the related suggestions and you will surely find the way, one who understands this practice and does enough of it, will understand themself fully, they will understand the mind and have far more mental clarity and eventually mastery, they will understand their reality and it's basic mechanisms and ultimately the secrets and truth of the universe, the inner and outer.

All the best



Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

Thank you @Guiding_Light 

You will be an incredible teacher when you do share your knowledge outside of here. Good luck and thank you for sharing in here as I feel you have a lot to teach x

Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.



Not everyone is awake to understand everything you have written here. Some are still fast asleep. To them you are talking a language, they need to learn but may choose not to learn that language. Metaphorically speak. 


I get it. But if I read it 10 years ago, I would not have understood a single thing. A suggestion, perhaps condense it a bit. It's a lot to take in for anyone. Perhaps even write a novella and put it into print. 


They will take what they can but it is very long. The higher self is not a place everyone has reached. 



Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

Thankyou @Powderfinger  for sharing your perspective and feedback,

I am currently in the process of writting a book that will change this world for the better and all communications on here help me to add to that project and it is one of my missions and reasons for encarnation on this world.

I had taken what you said into account when posting, yet I also understand that whoever is meant to see it will see it, and even if that only helps one person then it's worth it,
it is an offering and only those who are meant to find it will find it when they are ready,
all have free will to choose to read and listen or not,
as you know and the old saying goes "we can lead a horse to water but we can't make them drink" is quite relevant, my post is an offering, a body of water, of nourishment for those who find themselves in the dry parched desert of despair, sure, not all horses need to, or are ready to drink and that's ok, however, All horses become thirsty, and all horses must eventually drink if they wish to survive the journey, if the offering isn't there then we have failed.

As for the length of the post,
the length of a post is relative, if you are drowning in the ocean and someone offers a life raft, then the idea of "how long it takes" to swim to it becomes irrelevant.
If one is drowning in the ocean and wants to live, then the only place one has any inclination or willingness to be is on the life raft.

For you it sounds like the need and desire for that raft
is far less, so that is understandable for one in your possition to view it as lengthy.

For something to be "big" it has to be compared to something else, for something to be short it has to be related to something else, so nothing is really big or small or long or short, it just is.
Thankyou for the feedback though, it's noted in terms of efficiency for a platform such as this forum it could probably be more refined and efficient, though I will keep it as is for now, since I am writting a book covering all basis and the feedback i've recieved from it has already been beneficial to many.

Sure, some or most may not fully grasp every part of what I have written yet and that's ok, but they will understand what is relevant and useful to them at the time, even if it is just to help give them with a little nudge in the right direction of discovery for what they need to know at the time.
Even if it's only by one degree, to recieve what might best serve them with their current situation, and that is sufficient, it serves a purpose.

The post that I have written has many levels that one can "get" regardless of their stage of spiritual or psychological developement, because the universe can be wonderfully complex but it's not complicated, the answers are in plain sight with nature on every level and it is the reason I use many examples of nature to describe the connection and relationship to the mechanisms of thought process and the inner human experience; for the outer is the inner.

Truth isn't an ideology or belief system, it is not a religion, indoctrination or even a concept at it's deepest core, (if you have been to the void Shiva, then you know), it's not a political sales pitch or agenda that we have to work on and get you to believe in, all of which at the deepest level are lies (won't go into that now).
To be clear, my point is that, I am not trying to sell an ideology, that's not the purpose of my posts, I am simply here to offer guidance and navigation from my own lived experience of the journey and way out of the storm for others, the same way that the sun rises to offer sunshine and vitamin D, we can choose to recieve it or not,
to be like a signpost, turning ones attention inwards to the source of their thoughts and issues. To help others recognise, that they can take back the driver seat of their lives and still make a life worth living, to let them know that they aren't alone and that there are those of us out there that really "get it" and can help them.

I will now like to leave you with something to ponder, it may not even be 100% meant for you to read, and that's ok, it's for someone.

Tortois and the Hare, i'm sure you know the story,

So how is it really that the tortoise had won?
despite that it moved long after the gun?
The tortois was wise with nowhere to be,
with home on it's back and because it could see,
that now is the same place as the destinations they chase,
so by it's presence has already won the race.

There is no mistake that we have the saying
"home is where the heart is"
because the heart is the home of consciousness,
that's where Jesus pointed too, it's not about him.

It is the deepest root and source of our physical existence
which extends it's roots from the "outer" world of which we came,
the matter, the outer is the inner, the inner is the outer,
yet we are not the matter (pun intended) not mind nor body,
and soon enough there is no difference, one knows "God"

to be with that one beyond form,
Shiva = "that which is not",
the "i" of all eyes
is as simple as it gets



Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.



Thanks for your response. I wrote my response very late last night. As I said and didn't elaborate on was that they will take what they can. I meant they will take what is meant for them, even if it just one tiny thing. You have re iterated this too from what you have said here. 


Congratulations on writing a book. It's a journey in itself. I'm a writer and editor. I wish you well on your mission and purpose. 





Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

Thank you @Powderfinger and that's very synchronis of you!
It's certainly a journey writing the book, i'm seeing that too,
Though I can't say for certain when it will be complete, I just know it will be the "right time"
The more I look at worldy events and actions of leaders and nations
The more I feel a sense of deeper urgency to complete it.
I'd recently been contemplating if I need an editor or not,
and so far deciding to do most of it myself,
I have just about written most of the content, it's just a matter of putting it all together
in good structure and flow.

From your experience, do you have any tips or things you wished you had known about the process and what you thought could have been done better or what you would have done differently?

Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.



Yes...synchronise things. 


From a professional point of view, it is dependant on a few things which I do not know. 


Clearly it is a non-fiction book/spiritual/enligtment genre. 


If it is not channeled, you may want to consider a soft edit rather than a hard edit. A hard edit is going over the entire manuscript and really getting into the guts of it to make sure it does have good flow and consistency within the message/s. It also gives the chance for an editor to point out clarification where it may seem conflicting and/or lacking clarity of where you are going with what you are saying. 


If this is your first book you have ever written and do not have prior experience I would suggest a hard edit. 


In saying that, I do not know you. If it was me writing the book, I would consider my goals for the book, what I want to happen with the book and so forth. Do you want to self publish, do you want to go all out on getting it printed professionally or print yourself, do you want to put your manuscript forward to publishing houses? Those are all worthy questions and will assist you in finding your own answers. 


If you have written before and have extensive experience, and you have editing knowledge then you may just want to edit it yourself. I'd go with feeling first and then think from there. 


Of course if it us channeled, editing is no good for it. In that case I would suggest for the book to be proofread. That is the final step before going to print. Not the same as editing. Editing comes before proofreading. 


I cannot give you an answer exactly on what to do, as it is part of your own journey to make those decisions. I am sure you know that already. 


Look up Keidi Keating and Anita Moorjani on Twitter. They may be very helpful along your journey. 


Hope that helps. 

Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

Thanks @Powderfinger,
It's nice to have some perspective and feedback from someone with experience of the whole process, it sounds like there's quite a few things to consider in the final phases for how to deliver it to the world.
One thing I know for sure is that I feel it's something that the whole world needs to read and so I want it to be able to reach everyone, regardless of language or where they are, so that they atleast have the choice.

I don't use social media so I am not going to be able to have a look at your suggestion, though I know I will find who and what I need when needed.
Thanks for sharing.

All the best.

Namaskaram, (this is the original form of "namaste", in sanskrit, the divine language)


Re: Feeling Suicidal? Then, you may need to read this.

@Guiding_Light  you are welcome. No problems. They both also have personal websites to look at if you look at websites. 


All the best.