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Mind + Body Challenge 2

Challenge Two- You don’t have to dress like Olivia Newton - John to get physical!


You could organise a walk with a friend or go out on your own. Physical activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle. 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days of the week is recommended for good health. Moderate intensity means at a level that increases your heart rate but doesn’t leave you so breathless that you can’t talk.

The benefits of exercise include:

  • Feeling less stressed and more relaxed
  • Improved sleep
  • More energy and less fatigue
  • Feeling more confident and happy
  • Helping you make friends
  • Having stronger bones and muscles
  • Managing your weight

I know most of you have heard these health messages before and the tricky bit is getting out there and actually doing it. Finding the motivation.....

The Best Motivational Songs That Will Inspire You to Move

What lyrics or songs motivate you the most during a workout?


Re: Mind + Body Challenge 2

Im off to the beach after seeing the challenge you threw out there, as we speak!!! There was a song cut, well before I was born and revived in the 1990s, which I heard last year for the first time.

Its now my favourite music/song to walk to. Its called "Dont let me be misunderstood" by Nina Simone. I think she first sang it in about 1978 in front of an audience but it has been revived by other artists since, such as Eric Burdon and the Animals,Joe Cocker, and the Lil Wayne version (titled) "dontgetit" . All these are on youtube.

I mixed an extended tape of all these artists mixed with some trad jazz which turned out pretty cool.

Its a bit eclectic, but works for me.



Re: Mind + Body Challenge 2



I use this app to give me new places to explore - I forget that I'm exercising when I go on bushwalks.

"This app gives you access to topographic maps, tracknotes, photos, terrain profiles and heaps more information for near 1000 walks in NSW."


For all those in NSW with a smartphone, you should definately check it out. It has a variety of different tracks - some that will only take 15 - 20 mins.. and then there's longer ones.


Enjoy Man Very Happy

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Re: Mind + Body Challenge 2

Hi Kenny,

You brought a big smile to my face when I read you took on the challenge. I hope you had a nice time at the beach. Finding something that is enjoyable is the key, sounds like the ocean and your ecletic music brings you joy. That's awesome.

I'm now going to go and check out your music fav's and have a listen.


Re: Mind + Body Challenge 2

Hi Catriona

I like the beach. I am very lucky, I can see the Great Barrier Reef just off shore where I live so going to the beach is special.

Just down the road is a lagoon where there are some crocodiles but they get relocated when they go close to the beach area. The tropics can be really wonderful and has provided a place where I have been able to heal somewhat.

Its still pretty wild, but then so am I!!



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