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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hey @Hope4me Nice to see you back again Heart How is life treating you?

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hey @Zoe7

Nice to see you too! The Universe has plans for me but I'm balking at taking the plunge. I used to be a huge risk taker but after my brain broke, I'm more cautious.

Laying low, chilling and generally enjoying my own company. Heart

How are you?

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

It is nice to enjoy our own company - and I have Toby and Cat to keep me company @Hope4me

I have returned back to work part-time but it hasn't been without it's dramas. I do my first whole day tomorrow so will be an early night for me tonight as I'll have to make sure I am up and ready to get there and get organised.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Well good on you @Zoe7 and good luck with tomorrow! Woman Happy

Gotta go now to start dinner. Enjoy the rest of your day (You too beautiful @Shaz51) and say hello to Toby the cat for me. Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Nearly time to feed my babies too @Hope4me so I will pass on your hi to them at the same time Heart Enjoy your dinner and I hope to see you back soon Hon Smiley Very Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

enjoy your dinner my friend @Hope4me

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me, are you ok my friend HeartHeart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me I have just read your thread and relate to many things you share.  I have never danced drunk on tables, but admire your spu nk!

Woman LOL

I was helper, worked in helping roles, am around your age and an oldest.  

Hope you are doing alright.



Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hi @Hope4me@Shaz51@Zoe7@Appleblossom and others,


Its funny that I woke up this morning and decided to check out Sane forums again, as I haven't been around for ages. Looks like you had the same thoughts recently, @Hope4me - and decided to revisit this thread. 


Im so glad you are doing well and beginning to do stuff just for yourself!  It's a difficult path to navigate. It has been around 12 years since I have had my major episode of depression and anxiety and I am finally able to own my own life, make decisions for myself and put myself first. It's really, really hard, but I want to tell others that it is possible


I've stopped calling people back. If they have a real emergency, then they can call 000. If it's not a real emergency, then I guess I'll listen to their problems eventually, but I'm no longer in the business of giving advice.  I'll just say "That sounds difficult. I hope you will sort it all out."


I really don't know all the answers to other people's problems and I don't want to know. That is for them to work out... They have to walk their own path. 


It's funny, I heard from an ex-boyfriend earlier this year- 10 years after our relationship ended. He was someone with a lot of problems. I believe he had a long history of always contacting ex-girlfriends to get a listening ear. One person was never enough to listen to his extensive problems! So... back when we were together, he would have been contacting other women, and now that he is likely with someone else, he is contacting me. How ironic.


I left it a few weeks, and then I replied to his message with the most intensely narcissistic reply I could think of. I just raved on and on about how I was happily married, what a lovely wedding we had, how I had completed my masters degree, we had bought our dream house, I was starting my PhD, my husband and I were about to leave for an extended holiday in Europe, we loved the country lifestyle we had, how we went skiing in the winter, etc, etc.


Not one word to acknowledge him or his life in any way. Then I just signed off with "Bye from Sahara" Funny how he didn't write back! Lol. ❤️

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

It is nice to see you back and that everything is going well for you @Sahara Being around positive people is often what most of us need but not always easy to find. It is good to see you are putting yourself first and that that is lesding to better things in your life also.