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Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hi @Sahara Good to see you. Glad that a lot of things are going well.

Funny that about some men.

Smiley Surprised

 I am still working out which is my circus and my monkeys.

Smiley Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Oh @Shaz51, thankyou so much for your concern my sweet. It's nice to log on and find you here. Heart I'm ok; had a few interesting moments with gaslighting. I'll be writing about it on relevant thread. Really nice of you to drop by, hope you're traveling well and in fine spirits...xo


Thankyou too @Appleblossom for your well wishes, supports and comments. I'm glad you got something out of it.

My table dancing days were when Dirty Dancing hit the scene. Personally, I think every woman should try it at least once in their lifetime. Even if the table's a few inches off the floor! Woman LOL You go girl! xodancing on table.jpg

@Sahara Well hi there stranger! Lovely to see your avatar; I was wondering if you were ever coming back. I do understand though as I take breaks myself.


You gave it to your ex good and proper! I love it! It's good to see you back, even if it's just to tell that amazing anecdote.Woman Happy

What a great life you've created for yourself! You've done the hard yards, stopped sympathising to your detriment and have claimed your life as your own. How wonderful!


So now I'm all kinds of Green with envy hun. And so happy for you too...xo


Hope Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

hello @Sahara, soo lovely to see you again HeartHeart

Love the dancing on the tables @Hope4me, @Appleblossom Smiley Very Happy

Hello @Zoe7 xx

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hi @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Zoe7 @Sahara

Haven't been around the last few days; mum had a heart attack so time's been spent dealing with her. I'm exhausted and totally drained emotionally. Lot's of triggers and contact with family. Not all as I'd like, but that's life I'm afraid.


Whew; it was good just to write that. My son accused me of feeling sorry for myself instead of thinking about his Nan who he's really close to. It hurt...

I did my best even though at times it was awefully hard. Mum can be cruel and nasty with her comments to me; I was in tears quite a few times. Eventually I told her how hurtful it was to be on the receiving end of her frustration. She sort of calmed after that.


Anyway, I mightn't be on board as much as I'd like for a while. Take care everyone...

Love Hope xo Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Bit hard of son to say that buzzybee @Hope4me .. um my ex big boss had a heart attack and died this week found out. Well re what can happen and am not bothered by that. However. Sympathies re you and hate it when old people get even narkier re my father.who is 93. Wont say anymore.

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

So sorry to hear about your Mum @Hope4me That is hard to deal with at any time of the year. I hope she recovers well and is ok. You take the time you need to be with her and let us know how you are going when you can, Will be thinking of you Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

@Hope4me Thinking of you.

Sounds like a very difficult time and there are probably many competing feelings to work through.  Children often only see a small part of the picture and do not understand tho they think they do.

Look after you Honey bee.

Smiley Happy

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others


Thankyou for your comments and well wishes. Having a quiet morning then back to business at hospital.

Have a nice day everyone...

Hope xo Heart

Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

Hope it goes okay, well that you can cope even if its not ideal @Hope4me  Take it easy on you. Youre doing well under trying circumstances sounds.Cat Happy


Re: How to accept help after a life of helping others

I hope your day has been okay @Hope4me. How is your Mum doing?