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Re: Suicide hurts me

@Evie1. I have a favorite spot on a nearby mountain, where I sit and breathe and meditate. I find it a very calming place & my mind clears and settles when I am there.
I hope you find some of that, while you're outside. Nature is a great healer.

Re: Suicide hurts me

@Evie1 Nature can also settle me.  Fresh air, walking and just being.

And other times it's certain people I need. Not necessarily to talk, but to just be.

Please keep reaching out to people.   Keep reaching out to your health care people.  You are strong.  You are worth it.

Don't know what else to say.  Thinking of you.  Sending you healing thoughts.

Re: Suicide hurts me

I had to tell police I feel better now

Re: Suicide hurts me

Glad your feeling better now.

Re: Suicide hurts me

I feel still a bit bad and worthless I was shaking as I told the protective services officers at the train about my thoughts then he called the Sargent to determine how they wrer going to help me I was so anxious I couldn't stop shaking and I was very frightened fear in my eyes so now again I still feel like my life's a joke and I don't derseve to live

Re: Suicide hurts me

You did well @Evie1, telling them how you were feeling. It's not always easy reaching out to strangers. So I think it's a huge thing you did today. Well done.
You can get through this tough period. I believe in you.

Re: Suicide hurts me

@Evie1 I don't really know you but I'm glad youre alive. Hugs

Re: Suicide hurts me

I wish I wasn't alive put telling the cops felt good but really scary

Re: Suicide hurts me

@Evie1 I've had cops involved myself, once I even get walked into the police station. I think you're very brave for doing what you did. Is there anything we can help with tonight?

Re: Suicide hurts me

Convince me that I deserve to live
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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