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Casual Contributor

New member

Hi, I've just joined and looking to connect somehow?

Im 60 living in a small country town, fairly isolated. Love my garden.

Any chance of a chat?



Re: New member

Hello @Jjk,

Welcome to the Forum! I hope that you find it to be a lovely and supportive community.

I also live regionally and love my garden, we're currently trying to switch to native plants only (apart from the odd succulent here and there, haha). What are your favourite plants?

I am about to log off for today, but I just wanted to welcome you and wish you all the best. I think you'll be made to feel right at home here 😊🌺🍃

Peer Support Worker

Re: New member

Hey @Jjk welcome to the forums!! so excited to have you join our community 😊


You've come to the right place to connect - we got a newbie's social circle where you can get to know other members and share more about you: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends! - SANE Recovery Community (

I believe there's a couple garden-lovers in those threads too. I'll tag you in there soon as well. 


Always down for a chat, hope your day's going well 💗


(also a little handy tip - if you want to reply to people, you can tag them using the @ symbol and then typing their username like this @rav3n so that they get notified for your response!)


Casual Contributor

Re: New member


I'm trying to navigate these pages, my brain struggles with the required effort to understand the information.

Re: New member

that's totally fair @Jjk !! it can be overwhelming hopping into a new forum and figuring out how things work - we've also got our welcome threads here: Welcome and getting started - SANE Recovery Community (

There's some general tips on how to use this forum over here: Forums how-to: general tips and tricks! - SANE Recovery Community (


Feel free to reach out at any time if you need some help navigating the pages, the community will be able to help you out 😊

Casual Contributor

Re: New member

Thank you 🙏

Re: New member

Hey @Jjk ,


Welcome to the forums! Feel free to introduce yourself here Welcome! Introduce yourself here 🙂 


It would be great to connect with you 🙂 Glad you have found us.

Casual Contributor

Re: New member

Hi all

Thank you for the welcome.

Im still finding my way around here.


Im living in a small rural town in wa.

Struggle big time trying to meet people I align with. Im isolated but keep trying new things/ events in the hope of finding my tribe.

Im into my native garden, love nature, bush walking, sound meditations.

Hope everyone is having a peaceful evening 😊 ️ 


Re: New member

hey @Jjk just letting you know you've posted this in the same thread as earlier - would you like me to move your post into the newbies social circle thread? 😊


(p.s. you can tag me using the @ symbol and typing my username so i get notified of your response - like this @Jjk @rav3n)

Casual Contributor

Re: New member


Yes, please move the post.

I tried to find how to post on the welcome new members section but couldn't find where to post 🤔