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Re: rough time

@Sans911 big squishy hugs would be really nice.
im not really sure what to talk about. theres lots of stuff happening but not alot standing out besides a few upcoming aniversaires and the surgury worries/uncertainties with parts of it lurking around.

Re: rough time

Have you used your worry box lately @outlander? Would it be of help tonight?

I know you have a lot on your plate to worry about. Is there a there anything you can do to get through this time? Some self soothe exercises. Some mindfulness practice. Pros and cons of worrying about things that can't be changed or undone.
I'm in no way minimising what's concerning you. Just throwing some ideas to help you get through this time

Re: rough time

Ive been using the worry box and journalling as well @Sans911  it hasnt been that helpful. Ir can work both ways it seems. Usually it helps to lay it out and put it away sort of thing but can go the other way where it looks more than id once thought too. Has been having abit  more of that effect so i havent done that tonight or yesterday. 


Being busy has helped abit esp with a job to do and think about for most of the day but its always the nights when it slams me more esp with pop not being home either its alot quieter even though ive got the tv or music on most  of the time. 

My heart issues always get worse at night which doesnt help much either as it stops me from being able to sleep or even rest as well. 


I knew these aniversaries  were going to be hard but id forgotten how difficult they can be esp with a few all very close together. I guess i cant do much except try to keep putting one foot in front of the other for now. 


Do you ever get stuck with what to do with health professionals? I had a missed  call on friday from a pdoc who is very well known and highly reccomended and ive been able to be lucky enough for her to take me on as a patient but i havent been able to work up the courage to call back to make an appointment  with her. 


Re: rough time

Your heart issues at night are likely to do with your worry. Would meditation help even a little? You have the calm app right?

Yep, there are some health professionals who are hard to know what to do about. I've had a few of them. Would writing things down, even in bullet points, about what you want to ask or say help first? The likelihood is that you will get a secretary first, and probably a call back.


Re: rough time

I could give meditation ago @Sans911  and no i dont have the app. Not on this phone anyway. 


My gp and i are in disagreeance thats why she refferred me to the psychiatrist. I dont want to be on medications esp the ones that dont help like the ones im on now  but she wants me to stay on them. Yeah it is reception  thatll answer  to make an appt. I just haven't  been able to get that far. Maybe tomorrow sometime. 

Re: rough time

Just because you will see a pdoc doesn't mean that you have to be on medication. But they might also have a more extensive knowledge of medicine than your GP.

Re: rough time

Thanks @Sans911 that is true. I sppose the only way to find  out is to ask. 



Im starting  to fall asleep here ao will say goodnight now. Thanks for chatting  💜

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Re: rough time


To you too @outlander 

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Re: rough time



Sending you all love and hugs 💜💜

Re: rough time

@Former-Member Hope you are able to cocoon yourself and treat yourself gently and kindly.  It is extra hard when medical system is harsh.

Let us know what you think of your ptsd course.  Going through the stuff will be triggering but hope it gives you tools to manage it.
